Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Video alert! The Key to Writing Yr College App Essays...

I must admit, I am not taken with most of the pet and kid videos that come across my Facebook page, but this one of a toddler conducting captivates me. This child is doing what she's moved to do, with no outside help, no seeking status, and no parental intervention. 

As rising high school juniors, and their parents, start gearing up for the whole College Application Essay Process/Nightmare, I like to think there is a useful message embedded in this kid video: get in touch with something authentic about yourself. In writing these essays, colleges want to know who you are and what you care about. What excites you, what makes you tick, and the experiences you've had that helped make you who you are. It all sounds very vague right now, and that's OK. But as you move through this process, the material will become clearer. 

In the meantime, enjoy this Musical Moment.

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